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3 Steps to easy digital archiving

Digital Transformation-1

There are very few businesses that aren’t currently driving to digital archiving.

It’s why we have a wealth of digital archiving options available, but transforming to digital can be challenging.

The benefits are clear; reduced costs, less paper waste and a far easier way for staff to find, interact with and share documentation, but how do you get started?


Choose the right printer fleet

By reducing your printer fleet and instead opting for multifunction devices (MFDs), you’ll gain the ability to print and scan in high volume, while retaining all digital documentation in a unified, easily accessible file store.

Today’s MFDs are also compatible with a raft of popular cloud storage solutions, ensuring documents transition conveniently from paper to digital on platforms you probably already use within your business.

Invest in print management solutions

Print management software plays a vital role in digital archiving, with advanced scanning facilities capable of automatically storing documents in the cloud.

These solutions reduce the number of steps required for scanning by storing documents directly in CRM and CMS systems. All the user needs to do is scan their document and watch as it effortlessly ends up in the applications they rely on day-in, day-out.

Automatic character recognition, file-naming and the creation of text-searchable PDFs completes a modern print management solution that will help any business transition swiftly to digital archiving.

Identify process improvements

There might be workflows and processes in your business that could be reduced to a single click, but unless you know where to look, they’ll remain hidden productivity killers.

Any process that is document-heavy and which relies on hard copy documents to be completed is ripe for digital archiving.

They shouldn’t be difficult to find, either, because the staff who interact with such processes will be frustrated and vocal about how time-consuming they are. Happily, the implementation of an intuitive printing and scanning interface might be all that’s required to raise both their spirits and productivity levels.

With modern print management software offering customised home screens for each user, once-complicated processes can be refined and personalised, based on user requirements.

Digital archiving takes time, but it requires the best printer fleet you can afford, backed up by the right software and desire to improve on existing processes.

Get it right, and you’ll build a robust, reliable solution which manages itself and provides staff with the fastest and most convenient way to interact with business documentation.

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