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Partners and Awards

Workflow Automation

Digitalising Human Resources (HR)

Replacing HR paper processes; from job applications to separation

Human Resources (HR) is an area that is perfectly suited to digitalisation. With such vast amounts of employee data now available, the ability to find precise details quickly makes the lives of those working within the profession far easier.

HR is a department that suffers from a lot of paper processes that are timely, often inefficient and sometimes unstructured. 

The Challenge

Human Resources is a department made more complicated by the fact it deals with people-related processes including but not limited to:

  • Job requisitions, applications, CVs/Resumes
  • Employee pre-boarding and on-boarding
  • Leave/vacation tracking
  • Changes in employee status
  • Travel requests and expense reimbursement (sometimes handled by finance)
  • Employee Engagement and Development
  • Exit interviews

All of these processes can take a considerable amount of time and a lot of paperwork - consider the hiring and application process; first there are job requisitions from a department, the job may have to be written up for adverts followed by the processing and evaluation of job applications, CVs and cover letters. 

Even when someone is chosen for the job, the process continues to generate paperwork through pre-boarding and on-boarding. It's hugely time consuming, especially when other processes are still being worked on simultaneously. 

The Solution

Assess which processes are the most inefficient and paper-heavy in order to digitalise and automate the processes.

By digitalising HR documents and in time automating some of the processes that don't need so much manual intervention, the HR department can gain more visibility across all processes and save time not having to carry out time-consuming tasks that could be automated without a negative impact. 

Search processes are simplified, the risk of error reduced and document loss all but eradicated.

Through digitalising the inefficient processes, they can be streamlined so that HR procedures such as recruitment and on-boarding of new staff become more efficient and easier to structure. 

Processes such as time sheet management, absence record keeping and holiday authorisation can also be automated, as can both requests for references and generation of such information.

Xenith's solution includes replacing paper with e-forms from Job Application to Separation.


Beyond saving time for HR employees and giving them an opportunity to work on procedures and processes where manual intervention is needed, automation also benefits the department through:

  • Cost savings from digitalised documents (less storage space needed and less printing)
  • Improved compliance through audit trails and increased process visibility
  • Automated workflows

Contact us to learn more about how to digitalise and automate your human resources processes and other business processes.

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